Monday, July 16, 2007

Anglicans aping Romans???

My Response to the Bob Catholic Show's article on Anglican Religious Orders Aping Rome found at:

I do not concur completely with most of the statements above. They may be true if the intent is simply to “ape” Rome. However, the call from our Lord Jesus Christ to a Religous Vocation of prayer and works of charity supercede the party lines of the church in all its brokeness. Its NOT just those in the Roman Church who sense a call to a more committed life of prayer with the visible symbols of some kind of habit, of their call to a life of penance, etc. There have also been a number of writers who mention a New Erimiticism, with Domestic expressions for the laity and Ordained Clergy, married or celibate. I happen to be one who has felt a strong call toward a religious vocation for at least twenty years. Heck, I started out in life as a pentecostal/evangelical, now I am an anglo-catholic. But I am still seeking a religious order within my own tradition where I can realize and express that call of my Lord as a bi-vocational married Priest. I do not need to go to Rome to do so. Besides many of the original founders of these Orders were mystics and saints that simply sought to serve Christ within their Church. How many of the Orders developed and progressed and what they did was not necessarily what their founding saints intended. I for one would like to find a traditional anglican order where I can find the stability of a religious family where I can walk out this call of God on my life, with the support of other like minded brothers in Christ. Respectfully,Fr Aidan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment.

The issue was not the Religious Life (which I think Anglicans can be validly engaged in!) but rather this particular expression of the Religious Life (The Order of Preachers). Dominicans have a particular expression of the Religious Life which is bond closely to the Successor of Saint Peter. Maybe another example would be an Anglican Society of Jesus which takes a vow to the Holy Father.

Thanks again for your comment.

3:06 PM  

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